Tub-style Floor Model Vibratory Tumbler
Tub-style Floor Model Vibratory Tumbler is ideal for polishing and deburring huge parts and irregular-shaped parts. From coarse grinding to delicate polishing, deburring, descaling, polishing, cleaning and flash removal are all operations this machine can effectively perform. This Vibratory Tumbler suits for wide variety sizes for parts from large to mini, capacity of 200L to 1000L are available to meet any requirements of production.
Features of Tub-style Floor Model Vibratory Tumbler
1. The tub type machines are specially designed for large components with long or odd in shape and size.
2. The tubs are available in different standard size and it can be divided into separate compartments for high precision components.
3. Equipped with superior-quality polyurethane liner prevents parts contacting, reduces the noise and increases survice life more than 5 times.
4. There are two motors (adjustable amplitude range of 0.3-10mm) on casing of the machine to provide a powerful, smooth and uniform vibration.
5. Semi-automatic electric control system supports random check in the surface finishing process.
Parameters of Tub-style Floor Model Vibratory Tumbler